Monday, September 22, 2008

Blue group

I believe that my experiences with technology in and out the classroom has shaped my views on the use of technology as an instructional aid. With time consatnly changing I think that it is very important to intergrate technology in the classroon, I guess the question that I have is when do we draw the line? My technobiography and my views of technology in the classroom are very similar and both reflect a positive outlook.
In fact in both prompts I implemented the use of computers and their benefits to me as well as my peers. Growing up the computer was always a critical tool used by teachers to allow us to utilize technology while learning at the same time. As a future teacher I plan to use the computer as a critical learning tool. As stated in my use of technology in the classroom, through use of computers we were able to complete assignments, interactive labs, and keep track of our grades. In the future I predict that every classroom will have a computer as well as projectors. I can appreciate the use of projectors to display power points, I feel that this method enables the student to take better notes and visualize what is being said to them.
As far as the use of cellphones or mp3 players,and even extensive web search should be prohibited. With the text messaging craze and obsessions with ipods I believe that students will become highly distracted and lose their sight of focus. Without an extensive lesson plan to use with the internet I believe that teachers will find their students on inappropiate websites, and not completing the assignment.
As a future educator I can appreciate the use of technology but I strongly support a line being drawn. Technology has advanced education so I believe that I should keep up and maintain a positive attitude about it the subject. As stated in my technobiography and my personal experiences with technology I recommend it to all schools to intergrate technology, it's for the advancements of our potential students.


Bradley Kim said...

Yes, I have to agree with you about the use of computers. I will definitely integrate technology through computers when I become a teacher with many different options for student learning and the benefit to help teachers organize their work for their students. Like in my blog, I also have to agree with the use of cell phones and ipods. They are a huge distraction in the classroom and cause a big problem in the student's learning. It looks like we both have the same mentality on technology in classrooms! :)

Ronnie Jones said...

I agree with what you said about growing up with and implementing technology in the class room. I also agree with you finding it inappropriate to use phones and music players in the classroom. But I do believe that if the proper filters and protection softwear surfing the internet in class could be beneficial to students in case the do not understand a part of a subject.