Monday, September 15, 2008

Red Blog Group

Honestly I think that technology in the classroom should be used with caution.  Yes all of the ideas that we put on the Inspiration web are good ideas and could probably work in theory, but in reality and a classroom setting, I doubt they would work every time.  You really have to tailor your teaching style to your kids, which also includes what technology you use.  I personally like the traditional classroom and as I stated in my technobiography.  I really enjoy the "old school" feel to teaching a class; maybe that is the History major in me, but thats how I feel.  I would use the powerpoint presentations in my lectures and I do like the Inspiration software to connect different areas or events in history, but thats about it.

This post is not very different from the technobio and my last post about technology because it is what I believe is the right way for me to teach in my classroom.  I understand that in this class we are going to be learning how to use new technology and that is great, but honestly I wont be using a lot of the technology we have talked about; its just not my style.  In other classrooms I am all for the use of technology.  I think that using it the right way should happen, but I do not think that it should be forced on students.

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