Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Technobiography

Technology is both a burden and a blessing. My computer keeps me connected, tuned in, and it looks pretty darn snazzy if I might add. Sure my cell phone is nifty, but i rarely log any airtime instead I prefer to text.

Sadly my life on the Internet, which is most certainly my poison, has limited the people I interact with socially. When I want to talk, I'll wait till you log into AIM. What's the point in picking up the phone? It's too risky. You could be busy or sleeping....whatever you do in your spare time. With a messenger, it's a cake walk. I know if your available thanks to your online status.

I know it hasn't always been like this. As a kid I got to use the computer to play games, or learn typig skills. That was also back in the day when my neighbor got a walkman, and it was considered to be awesome. As I grew older, the computer was just a tool to type up papers or make powerpoints. Once I hit college it became my lifeline to the world. That's also when I branched out, I got the i-pod, it's various accessories, and stopped talking and started typing.

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