Thursday, September 4, 2008


Technology has a major impact on the way we live, especially now days when every where you turn you can see some sort of technological device. We use technology for recreation/fun and for school/work purposes. It is everywhere we turn and if we do not become better equipped at using it we will be left behind.

I use technology everyday, as many of us probably do. I watch television, use facebook, and work on schoolwork, among other things, as many of us probably do. Because of this I feel that my relationship with technology has changed from what it used to be.

Throughout my academic life I have used technology, but not as frequently as I am now required to. During my early school years I rarely used technology like a computer or a cell phone, mainly because I did not have access to them on a daily basis. Sure, I would have the occasionally computer class through school, but the class was not anything major. I really don't think I ever experienced a computer on a bigger scale until I was entering high school, where they required some papers to be typed, so I needed to have access to a computer. While in high school I only turned the computer on to type up papers. I hated to use the Internet because we still had dial-up service. It was annoying and it wasn't worth my time.

Upon entering college I realized that the computer was needed for many other things. Eventually the dial-up connection was upgraded to high-speed. And my experience with this form of technology increased. I was able to take online classes, which was a technological first for me. I have been able to do many other things thanks to he technology I have.

Without the influence of technology the world as we know it would be completely different. We would all still be reading the newspaper on a daily basis to get the news, we would not be able to find it out in an instance.

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