Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Technology in the Classroom

Since we live in a technological society that is only increasing in its use of technology, I believe that the use of technology in the classroom is not only worthwhile, but needed. Not everyone has a computer in their home and teaching students how to use a computer or other technology (e-readings, web videos, etc.) is a useful tool.
Using a powerpoint slide show can help emphasize the teacher's lesson plans or using a web page that has math games, language arts games can help build skills needed in those subject areas.
As someone who uses the internet for various life needs such as online banking, shopping, communicating, research, directions and trip planning, it would be helpful to teach these added skills in the classroom. By teaching students to use Word, they already have a skill that can be used in the workforce. By teaching how to find internet sites can spurn added research into an area of interest or give the struggling student tutorials by having them play games based on a subject area.
If a teacher has a web page, parents can check on assignments due, upcoming tests and easily communicate concerns with the teacher rather than play phone tag. Technology in the classroom is not only useful, but required in this day and age.

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