Sunday, November 2, 2008

Personal Technology

I believe that there is a line to be drawn when intergrating technology into education, because every thing should contain boundaries. When it comes to everyday technologies that we use such as cell phones and social networks, I dont believe that they should be used inside the classroom. Even I have trouble staying off my cell phone, let alone a young child. With text messages and possible phone calls from parents, can pose many distractions. I agree that blogging is a great idea, but incorporating social networks such as you tube and facebook could be asking for trouble. A teacher may assign classwork to have students venture out and meet others within the school through facebook, but what if they venture out and make contact with the wrong crowds. Even if a teacher wants her students to make a video and post it on you tube; you are exposing peoples children to millions of potential crazy people. So yes, I believe that intergrating technology is a wonderful idea, but with many restrictions. That is why I have been reluctant to mention my personal technologies because, personal should remain personal.


Bradley Kim said...

Yes, restrictions need to be made when using technology. You have the same mindset as I do. Cell phones are definite distractions. I will definitely be specific with the boundaries that I will make for my students. And yes, blogging is definitely a good idea where it is limited to the classroom, not for the whole world to see. Teachers should be able to decipher public space and private space of a student's use of technology.

Ronnie Jones said...

Boundaries should be used when teaching with technology so that students can stay safe from the crazy people that can be found on the internet as well as keeping them focused without their cell phone. Also, meeting people in your school through facebook and networking sites but that again could expose younger students to potentially dangerous people on the internet.