Monday, November 10, 2008

green group

Well as i am a sophmore here at towson university and only 19 years old bringing in facebook, cell phones, etc would be very distracting. I know i text some people now during class and if i was allowed to have a cell phone out i would do it then as well. Items that students use on a daily basis as a form of fun entertainment shouldnt be introduced to the classroom for a regular activity. It is more of a distraction rather then a learning tool. You also have to look at the fact of the underpriveledged students, the one'e whose parents cannot afford the internet, a phone, unlimited texting, etc. how are those students suppose to complete a project without the needed supplies to do so.
Another thing, students use these tools like cell phone, video games, facebook, etc to get their mind away from school alittle, to relieve some stress if we were to incoorperate these items then i think more students may just turn away from school completely because then they will be using these items in a way that doesnt coinside with school.
Also in addition sites like facebook and myspace and some other social networking sites are a place for students to be themselves, a personal space for them; yes they shouldnt have extremely vulgar information on there but who would want a teacher let alone other students and parents that they dont really know invading in their privacy?

So basically i do not think these things should be intergrated into the classroom. I mean teachertube could be because that is something we dont use everyday and making a video with classmates will probably be fun but you have to have it as a inclass assignment as again there are underprivalged students out there who may not have the ability to use video recording material. So watch what you use in the classroom and make sure what you chose doesnt invade someones personal life and that every student, even the underprivagled, have access to the tools needed.


christina lanahan said...

I agree with a lot of your points here. I especially agree with the fact that not every student will have access to these technologies. It's hard to try to incorporate many of these technologies in the classroom in an effective way.

gmulle2 said...

I agree with what you have said. I feel the same way and you made a good point by mentioning underpriveleged kids. Honeslty that wasn't something that crossed my mind; and lets me know that I need to be more actively thinking about the different accesses that people have to technologies.