Friday, October 3, 2008

Yellow Group - Jenna

I definetly think that my experiences with technology have had an impact on my views on technology in the classroom. I have had classes where technology was used and my view was positive, but I have also experienced teachers who did not use technology appropriately. When it wasn't used in a good way, it made me think it may not have a place in the classroom. Maybe we should wait until technology can be used appropriately consistanty before we include it in the classroom, is what I found myself thinking during the negative experiences.
When a teacher uses a form of technolgy, like PowerPoint, in a bad way, it can make me become discouraged with technology use in the classroom. When a teacher does this, I just want to run. I find it boring and not very inventive. Because I have seen teachers use technology in this way, it makes me want to use technology in the classroom in a better way than they did.
I find that teachers who use technology in a bad way often inspire me. They inspire me to use technology in a way that actually helps the students to learn. When a teacher uses technology in a good way, it shows me ways that I can use technology in the classroom.
All in all, I think that my experiences with technology have helped me come to the conclusion that as long as we can use it appropriately technology should have a pressence in our classrooms.
In both my technobio and my classroom post it is obvious that I have experienced technology throughout my life, but not everyone is given this opportunity. We need to keep this in mind when it comes to using technology in the classroom. In some school systems the students do not the same access as others do. As teachers we will need to find ways to work around this. We will need to learn and adapt to the environment, as well as using what we have available.
The differences between the two would include the fact that I have had bad experiences with technology throughout my education, but it has not influenced my thoughts on it, in the long run. Yes, when I was going through those experiences I was wanting to give up on technology completely, but I didn't. I have always come back to the fact that technology can be used in the classroom, if done right. The differences between my experiences have helped me to see that students need to be exposed to different forms of technology, and I will have to do what it takes to make sure they experience it in the best way possible.


Valerie Radomsky said...

I agree with you Jenna. I too feel that I am taking something from every professor's use of technology, either positive inspiration or knowing what not to do, like your powerpoint example. The positive aspects influence me to say, for example, peer editing really works well, I want to integrate that into my classroom.

Lee said...

I agree, when a professor uses technology inappropriately it is very frustrating for me and the other students.

Greg S. said...

Its unfortunate that we have to learn both the pros and cons of classroom technology from an instructor who should know the difference in effectiveness from medium to medium.

Prof. Lohnes said...

Thanks for bringing up the point about access - knowing that your experiences with technology may be (will be) different than your students is a critical aspect of doing this kind of work, I think.

Given that it can be very difficult to think of positive ways to use technology when past models have been overwhelmingly negative, I'm curious as to how you've stayed positive in your outlook, and where you get your positive models? From teachers that you've liked? Or maybe from your own use of technology outside of the classroom?